Spider-Man PS4: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

4. Miles Morales

Spider-Man PS4 Insomniac
Insomniac Games

Miles' journey in this game is tumultuous and challenging, but he manages to get through it all and prove he is ready to step up and become something more. That is exactly what any fan would have wanted from the character coming into this game.

Miles' destiny to become the next Spider-Man is handled immaculately. We are given time with him to see that he is a nice and selfless person, that he is willing to run into potentially fatal situations to save people, and gives his time to those who need it - all without superpowers.

The emotional impact of his father's death is brilliant, and the performance of voice actor Nadji Jeter adds a phenomenal amount of depth and believability to the tragedy Miles has experienced.

Miles, being 15 years old, is a perfect student for Peter to have in the next game, as Peter has gone through the exact same journey at a high school age, and can help mentor Miles to become a potentially even better Spider-Man than himself.


Scriptwriting - BA Producing - MA Article-based online influence - TBD