Spider-Man PS4: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

3. GR 35 - Harry Osborn Is Venom?!

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There is so much to unpack here.

When MJ first found the lab in Norman's apartment, but couldn't access what was behind the metal door, it quickly became a place of key interest. What could be hiding behind those doors? Was it Norman's Green Goblin suit? A Goblin Glider perhaps? Neither, it turns out. But to claim this reveal wasn't as mind-blowing would be to gloss over one of the coolest reimaginings of one of Spidey's greatest foes.

For the duration of Spider-Man PS4, we're told that Harry Osborn is away in Europe. One of the game's big side missions is to look after the environmentally-conscious labs Harry founded, and with each one, the player is treated to an audio recording from Harry. Despite this, both Peter and MJ concede that they've not actually heard from Harry since he moved across the Atlantic, casting doubt on his whereabouts, and why he hasn't visited once while he's been away.

Ultimate Spider-Man 35 Venom
Marvel Comics

It's soon revealed that Harry's inherited the fatal disease that killed his mother years earlier. It's incurable, but while Norman couldn't save his wife, he vows to save his son. It's at that point we assume Harry's been flown to Europe for experimental treatment, but the reality is much more sinister. That metal tank in the lab? It actually houses Harry. And the next part makes the whole thing even worse.

As Norman approaches the tank where Harry is housed - AKA project GR 35 - we see his son suspended in what looks to be black webbing. As he moves closer, the webbing in question launches itself at the tank, before the cutscene fades to black. This is very clearly a symbiote, and when you do a little more research, the tease becomes all the more blatant.

Issue 35 of the Ultimate Spider-Man series was where Peter Parker first got the black costume, and its origin in that universe follows a similar plot to this one, having been conceived originally as a form of medical treatment. We can only imagine how this will play out in the sequel - if Harry becomes Venom, or something else happens - but the possibilities are fascinating to consider even still.

The black costume's absence from the list of alternate suits featured in the game is also rather telling, so expect Insomniac to broach the symbiote saga in a follow-up further down the line.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.