Splatoon: 10 Best Multiplayer Maps - Ranked

10. Saltspray Rig

splatoon saltspray

Saltspray Rig is one of the most unique maps in Splatoon's history, with a great focus on chokepoints and verticality.

Despite being an original launch map, Saltspray Rig is actually one of the bigger maps in the game. A lot of Saltspray Rig focuses on being above your enemies, with most of the map also having a higher viewpoint looking down on it. This makes verticality a surprisingly valid tactic in a map that is mainly made up of hallways.

One thing that is consistent in the Splatoon's best maps is balance. This is heavily present in Saltspray Rig, where every weapon type is given a chance to shine. The verticality makes Chargers extremely powerful, the hallways make Rollers essential and the size of the map means that use of the Splattershot is a smart move.

The only flaw with Saltspray Rig comes from the size. What makes the map great also causes issues. Because of the small time limit present in matches, a lot of time is spent actually traversing the map, especially if your team is trying to focus on getting the middle of the Rig.

This flaw aside, Saltspray Rig is a fantastically varied and balanced map that is easily one of Splatoon's best.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.