Splatoon: 10 Best Multiplayer Maps - Ranked

6. Camp Triggerfish

Splatoon Camp Triggerfish

Camp Triggerfish is the most inventive and visually interesting map in Splatoon, as well as being great fun to traverse.

Easily the biggest draw to Camp Triggerfish is the fantastic visual design. Whilst most levels in Splatoon usually focus on an industrial theme, Camp Triggerfish brings to mind Nickelodeon-esque environments. This makes it one of the most stand out maps in the whole game.

As well as this, Camp Triggerfish also has a fantastic design that fits for any player. Rollers can easily dominate the long corridor sections whilst Chargers can climb the wooden frames and get the height advantage over enemies. Not only this, but it also work particularly well for Splat Zones because of its medium size. It isn't too big or too small, it's just the perfect size.

All of these reasons combine to make Camp Triggerfish the most visually interesting map in the game, and a great time to boot.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.