Splatoon: 10 Best Multiplayer Maps - Ranked

5. Kelp Dome

splatoon kelp dome

The Kelp Dome is one of the most distinctive maps in the game, incorporating several different layers and locations.

The most unique aspect of the Kelp Dome are the several ramps that allow players to move up to a higher layer. Because the player bases aren't particularly big, the focus is instantly on getting to the middle, which is where these ramps come in.

Once on this layer, players can easily be shot through the holes in the floor and can't transform into a squid, which essentially leaves them powerless. If a player can manage to reach the middle, they'll have the height advantage over everyone, which can make Chargers near invincible.

This mix of risk and reward makes reaching the middle greatly important, especially since middle area easily has the most turf to cover. The design of the Kelp Dome is also wholly unique and much unlike anything in the game before.

This great level design and unique environment make Kelp Dome one of the best maps in the game.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.