Splinter Cell The Animated Series: 10 Things It Must Include

3. Fleshing out Sarah's Story

Splinter Cell

With ties to boyfriends within terrorist groups, a unique childhood with a father who is gone for large periods, Sarah feeds multiple story arcs throughout both the books and the games. She offers an added layer to the character of Sam, posing as a much needed juxtaposition to the regimented life of a cell.

On the surface she's the generic innocent child who serves as a shallow attempt to develop the depth of Sam, but as the games progress she plays a more integral part to the story. It would be nice to explore her ties to boyfriends who entrap her into terrorist plots, her links to Kobin, or any number of her earnestly engaging narrative arcs.

Any rare moments of peace, self reflection or serenity for Sam are those brief moments with Sarah. Adding her relationship to her father in a more poignant way will add a richer connection to the audience and will provide some much needed fan service. She is eventually aware of her father's actions, making this a revelation we must see play out over time in the show.


A Self-Proclaimed Newcastle Utd aficionado. Lover of all things Sport (except rugby and golf, no-one likes those). Whether it's Wrestling, Movies, TV or Comics, you can be sure to find an impassioned Kent-based opinion here.