Star Wars: 10 Games We Want To See From EA

7. A Game Without Focus On The Jedi

StarWars1313_HeadBlast I know that the Jedi are the focal point of the Star Wars saga but, to be honest, the novelty of dashing around with a Lightsaber is wearing a bit thin. One of Star Wars' best features is the vast number of characters, planets, and cultures it features. Particularly since almost everything you'll ever see in a Star Wars film has its own individual backstory. And thats not hyperbole. Pick any background character and there's a high chance they'll have a name and detailed story. Playing as something like a smuggler or a random trooper in the Imperial Army is a great idea since it offers variety and is less likely to head down that very cliched path of "Young person discovers he has special powers and faces evil, proving himself to his allies". We've seen that done dozens of times so this seems like a great time to branch away from that and explore other sides of the Star Wars universe.
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.