Star Wars Battlefront: 10 Crucial Tips & Tricks You Need To Know

Mashing buttons and jumping around is no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

Almost 10 years in the making, the long-awaited successor to Pandemic's nostalgically adored Battlefront franchise has finally marked its debut on consoles, though its ability to please every fan has been somewhat lost in the transition to modern day reboot. The fact that DICE's shooter is rework of the older games has of course led to an overhaul of both graphics and gameplay, of which there can be no denial that the studio has managed to capture the look and feel of Star Wars immaculately. The game plays great, looks beautiful, and it's bound to have fans young and old returning to the title long after The Force Awakens undoubtedly breaks box office records in December. Assuming you're hoping to vaporise the competition in Battlefront's many arenas, there are quite a few tips, tricks and tactics that should form a part of any seasoned Stormtrooper's strategy. With so many different customisable options, there are plenty of ways for players to carve out their identity, differentiating themselves from the usual rank and file who will no doubt become all too accustomed to receiving torrents of blaster fire - always at the most inconvenient of moments. So, to make sure you're not that Stormtrooper who hits their head and Wilhelm-screams themselves into the distance at the first sign of danger, click on through and make that transition to the new Star Wars era just that little bit less arduous.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.