Star Wars: Battlefront - 10 Shocking Things You Need To Know

8. The First Episode VII DLC Is Free

Shocking in a good way for once - although 'Day One DLC' is always a head-scratcher, because why not simply include the content on the disc in the first place rather than force people to use up their bandwidth restrictions nabbing the necessaries? Anyway, in a turn-up for the books, EA are putting out another planet - Episode VII's dusty-looking Jakku - as as free download just after the game releases, ticking the fan-box for the newest entry in the mythos whilst also having it feature alongside the other planets. It's a pretty cool tie-in offering, but one that's going to feel a bit threadbare if none of the newer characters are around supplement it with. Apparently it's set just after the close of Episode VI, but still - let's have the badass new look for Luke as an unlockable just for kicks, eh?
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