Star Wars: Battlefront - 10 Shocking Things You Need To Know

7. All Levels Are Built With Physical Props

Something that made fans jump for joy when JJ Abrams mentioned it during a panel was their reliance on physical props and minimal CG for Episode VII, essentially letting them create the newest iteration the exact same way Lucas did back in the day. You might not think that approach factors into the all-digital design of a game, but DICE's Patrick Bach mentioned to Eurogamer that they actually took the same ethos for the game, creating the levels with proper hand-made props, staging and items, and then scanning them into the game to tinker with further. The process is called 'Photogrammetry' and was last seen in The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, so it should mean all the levels - and particularly their interiors - have a real sense of believability, authenticity and a manmade nature to them, making it all the more fun to romp around before blasting your friend's visor off in the process.
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