Star Wars: Battlefront - 10 Shocking Things You Need To Know

3. Battles Will Feature 40 Players At Once

Not one to aim so high they fall over, Battlefront's server loads are going to be packed as it is, but with a 40 player cap it's a great number to ensure battles are frantic and forever inclusive of old and new players whilst hopefully not having too big an impact on the framerate or network lag. Complainers may remember the likes of Sony's MAG (Massive Action Game), the title that purported to allow 256 people to play all at once - until actual gameplay was more phoned in your Saturday night takeaway, leading to the whole thing being shut down for good last year. It's therefore important to balance good gameplay with a server load that's manageable, as we've seen from the likes of Driveclub's day one woes, Assassin's Creed: Unity's multiplayer and Mortal Kombat X's PC launch - bad servers straight up means broken, unplayable games.
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