Star Wars: Battlefront - 10 Shocking Things You Need To Know

4. It Takes Place In Between Episodes IV And V

A far cry from being a one-to-one Ep. VII tie-in, instead EA are playing their cards close to their chest and delivering on the old school sensibilities and locations of the original trilogy that people just can't get enough of. Although some VII-centric content outside of just Jakku would've been great, it makes more sense for a development team to focus firstly on elements of the mythos that are set in stone, allowing for artistic liberties to be taken where needed (like how to visualise Sullust), and two - they know they're not upsetting anyone after years of work by focussing on something that's not a guaranteed home run. As you can see in the above timeline taken from official tie-in book company SW Books, Battlefront is nestled neatly between the awesome-sounding Heir to the Jedi and the almighty Empire Strikes Back itself - which totally matches up with the visuals seen in the new trailer.
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