Star Wars Battlefront: 10 Tiny Details Hardcore Fans Will Love

2. Rogue Squadron Making An Appearance

There's plenty of reason to pay attention to Battlefront's radio transmissions, especially if you look past the authentic sound design alone. Once the Rebels keep the uplink active long enough Y-Wing bombers target the Empire's two AT-ATs, announcing over the radio that 'Rogue Squadron' are on their way. The Rogues were of course the successors to the pilots of Red Squadron, who everyone will remember as being instrumental in the destruction of the first Death Star. Under the command of Luke Skywalker, Rogue Squadron went onto be at the forefront of many aerial engagements with the Empire, and were even the stars of a highly successful and fondly remembered game series by LucasArts. Take the hint as you may, but this would also seem to indicate that the group will be present in the 'Fighter Squadron' mode previously advertised. Also something to note is that if you look above you in the Drop Zone mode, you can see X-Wings and TIEs fighting in the skies above - most likely the same Sullust encounter shown off in DICE's trailers for the game.
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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.