Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Biggest Fan Demands EA Must Listen To

1. No More Season Passes

Unsurprisingly, the single largest problem with Star Wars Battlefront isn€™t with the game itself, but the business practices surrounding it. More games are having their content withheld and delivered in increasingly expensive season passes than ever before, and Battlefront is one of the most egregious examples of this practice. The day one retail version of the game is severely lacking in content, while a significant number of maps, modes, and hero characters are being withheld - only to be available for those willing to pay for the obnoxiously priced season pass. This outside influence has had a huge effect on the popular opinion surrounding Battlefront. Had the entirety of the game been delivered on its release, it€™s likely that people wouldn€™t be as hard on it as they are right now. Of course, there would still be some complaints, but the feeling of being ripped off wouldn€™t be casting such a large shadow over what is a pretty decent video game. Many people refuse to even bother, because they don€™t want to support what they feel are considerably shady business practices. The last thing gamers and Star Wars fans want, is to have to choose between playing a Star Wars game and standing up for their moral principles. It€™s doubtful that EA or any of the big video game publishers will listen to such pleas as long as they keep making money, but nevertheless, it is a huge issue that fans consistently demand be addressed, lest they give up entirely on playing any Star Wars games going forward. And you can bet that this is the last thing EA wants.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.