Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Biggest Fan Demands EA Must Listen To

8. Class System

Battlefront has no class system, and while this may make the game more approachable for new and casual gamers, it also strips the game of complexity, and thus robs it of any real strategy. While no one wants Battlefront to get too bogged down in the convoluted nature of war (it is supposed to be fun after all), it would certainly benefit from some kind of class system. The addition of five or six classes, each with minor special abilities, would instantly add more variety and player customization to Battlefront. It would also place more emphasis on teamwork and force players to play to their strengths to win. However, it€™s important not give any one class an advantage over any other. Classes should serve to diversify gameplay and nothing more. Again, Battlefront should prioritise fun over anything else, and a straightforward and well-balanced class system would do just that while making the game a bit more intricate for those who feel the current game lacks depth.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.