Star Wars Battlefront 2: 12 Features EA Must Add
8. Alternate Hero Skins
EA may have ruled out the idea early on, stating that it would meddle with the canon, but that hasn’t stopped modders giving us everything from Pink Darth Vader to Adam Driver’s 'Matt the Radar Technician' from the SNL sketch. And while these would indeed “meddle with the canon,” they have proven extremely popular.
EA will never give in to this level of skin design, but what they should do, is create alternate skins for the existing characters. Who wouldn’t want to play as a fully hooded Darth Maul, or play as Old Luke on the battlefields of Crait? We’ve already had alternate skins made available for Rey and Kylo Ren, in anticipation of Episode VIII, so why not the others as well?
There are endless possibilities that EA could go explore. Star Wars Battlefront (2015) had different Hero Skins depending on the map you were playing, but even that has been lost in its current incarnation.
Allowing players to choose their appearance will add more customization options to the Hero system that will go a very long way, and that’s before they even add in more heroes.