Star Wars Battlefront 2: 8 Major New Details You Need To Know

5. Skirmish Mode Is BACK

star wars battlefront

Even though it lacked a fully-fledged campaign, the original Battlefront's Skrimish mode at least allowed gamers the luxury of chilling offline and honing their skills against bots, while at the same time giving them the chance to play with their friends through split-screen multiplayer.

It was a solid addition to an otherwise online multiplayer-dependant series of modes, and thankfully the mode is making a comeback in this latest game, with an updated version, potentially titled "Arcade", being playable first in the upcoming beta.

We'll have to wait and see if there are any other additional tweaks to the mode itself, but more AI-blasting will at least satisfy those who are too chicke- would rather not play online.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3