Star Wars Battlefront 2: 8 Major New Details You Need To Know

4. The Graphics Have Somehow IMPROVED Since E3

Star wars battlefront 2 theed

Like all DICE games, Battlefront 2 boasts absolutely gorgeous visuals. While a lot of fans didn't think the developers could create a more photo-realistic looking Star Wars game than the 2015 reboot, the in-game trailers for the sequel look even more impressive than those of the original release.

The sequel's visuals have already blown people away thanks to the release of full in-game multiplayer matches at E3, but if the same guy who leaked the details of the beta is to believed, the graphics have also been given an upgrade in time for the game's release.

While this probably won't be a mind-blowing upgrade, it's nice to know that DICE are pushing themselves to make an already great looking Star Wars game look even better.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3