Star Wars Battlefront 2: 9 Reasons It's A Massive Disappointment

8. General Movement & Feel Is Nerfed To Incentivise The Loot Grind

Star wars battlefront 2

2015's Battlefront wasn't the most lightning-fast thing - its movement not competing with the highs of Titanfall 2, the snappiness of COD or the eye-meltingly sublime speed of DOOM. However, it was responsive - your characters moved when you pushed the analogue stick, for example.

In BF2, to assumedly manufacture a sense of progression, starting characters/players feel awful to control on the battlefield. Movement is sluggish, with your avatar taking just that split second too long to get off the blocks - a start contrast to how DICE's other shooters operate, where you're usually able to leap into the fray in seconds.

This extends to ship combat too, where until you've unlocked and upgraded "+2% turning circle" on an X-Wing or TIE Fighter (both real cards, by the way), the basics of movement are flawed and off-putting.

Ultimately this results in encounters where - on a fundamental level - it's no fun to engage the enemy. On foot you're piloting a sluggish, half-asleep soldiers into encounters where even then, your tactical options are limited to a dodge roll or holding the triggers to fire.

It's supremely limited, and all of the above is compounded by the fact that...

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