Star Wars Battlefront 2: 9 Reasons It's A Massive Disappointment

6. Skill Literally Doesn't Matter Online

Star wars battlefront 2

Almost like some existential desert island comment on "why we game", Battlefront II's doling out of crystals happens regardless of your position on the leaderboard - as if DICE are asking "Are a game's mechanics fundamentally enough? Do you need that biscuit or is a pat on the head enough?!"

I can get behind the discussion for sure - and Rocket League proves that mechanics alone can carry you to the revenue heavens - but here's the thing: Players have already broken BF2's progression.

Literally by tying a couple of elastic bands to the analogue sticks (ensuring you don't get kicked for being idle), many are racking up the points. The game automatically puts you in another match, and as you get a fraction of a percent more crystals based on leaderboard placement, there's no incentive - or reason - to, well, play the game.

I love the idea that gamers are essentially saying to EA, "Oh, so all that matters is the loot grind? Fine then, we'll break the experience and dwindle your player base through sheer annoyance as no one plays the objective."

Childish, yes, but this also forces EA and DICE to acknowledge that yet again, they've released something completely broken.

Last thing about the loot grind...

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