Star Wars Battlefront 2 Wishlist: 12 Things Fans Need To See

2. Battlefield 1-Style 'Operations' Mode

star wars battlefront

EA pioneered the whole 'levolution' concept with Battlefield 4, and whilst the Sullust map in Battlefront also changed your objectives based on a ship crashing out the sky, there were no really big takeaways in terms of maps that 'evolved' as you played.

To remedy that, DICE must implement the same 'Operations' mode as Battlefield 1; that of a gargantuan environment where both sides move to attack and defend a variety of points, all as the level itself takes damage or sees scripted events ensue along the way.

We got a taste for this in the advancing feel of Hoth's Walker Assault as the rebels are forced from the outstretching snow and down into the various trenches of the endgame, but something like the Death Star/Starkiller trench run or battle for Endor could take place across much larger expanses, dynamically altering the landscape as advance from place to place.

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