Star Wars Battlefront 3: 10 Maps It Has To Have

2. Hoth

Hoth What? You thought Hoth wouldn't be on this list? I know we've seen it in the trailer so it's pretty much a confirmed map, i'm sure. How can you make a Battlefront game without including Hoth. For just an ice ball of a planet it is one of the most well recognized in the Star Wars universe. A huge open map with Imperial Walkers advancing towards the shield generators, snipers positioned in the snowy hills and troopers engaged in skirmishes in the snow caves where the rebels set up their base. Hoth has a lot going on for a snowy tundra. It is another opportunity for massive vehicular warfare, although the Empire have a bit of an advantage there as the AT-AT and AT-STs beat a tauntaun by a few lasers to none. The snow speeders making a welcome return is an obvious one. There are just a few things you can't forget about when making map of Hoth. Imperial Walkers, AT-STs, Tauntauns, the shield generator, snow speeders and that ridiculous looking cannon in the background. Hoth is an icon in the Star Wars universe and should never be forgotten about in the Battlefront saga.

A gamer at heart with nothing more than a goal to get on the scoreboard. Just kidding.