Star Wars Battlefront 3: 10 Maps It Has To Have

3. Kashyyyk: Docks

KashyykDocks The docks of Kashyyyk stretched out to an open area of shallow water, a few meters out from the docks lay a small island where the enemies of the Wookies lay in wait, ready to attack the docks at any time. This map incorporated some of the best outdoor warfare in the Battlefront series and I was hugely disappointed it wasn't included in Battlefront II. I'd love for this one to make a comeback because the long open stretch of water and the size of the docks makes this a beautiful map for vehicle warfare. Republic tanks and Separatist spider walkers would exchange fire across the waters while rocket troopers would run along the raised platforms above the docks, trying to pick off what vehicles they could before being sniped by droids from the island. It was pure anarchy, and I wouldn't want it any other way. There are more than just two modes which could come with the map too. In addition to the classic conquest, CTF and hunt mode, player could also participate in a horde mode of sorts. A team soldiers must hold the docks from an infinite number of waves from the opposing factor, providing a good co-op mode along with it.

A gamer at heart with nothing more than a goal to get on the scoreboard. Just kidding.