Star Wars Battlefront 3: 10 Maps It Has To Have

6. Yavin IVYavin4 The lush forests of Yavin IV were always a favourite map of mine. The presence of the forest made for challenging snipes and the feeling of an uphill battle, pushing forward into the rebel base, made it much more satisfying to storm the place and send a message to those rebel scum. Naturally this presents a golden chance for large scale guerrilla warfare. Be that strategic use of cover by snipers, assault troops cautiously working their ways around the ancient archways, or just storming straight through the forest in the battle tanks. The possibilities are huge, so long as the trees aren't indestructible. Large scale forest battles on Yavin could only be made better by one thing: a flamethrower! Please include a flamethrower. It's time to smoke out those rebel scum, literally.


A gamer at heart with nothing more than a goal to get on the scoreboard. Just kidding.