Star Wars Battlefront 3: 10 Maps It Has To Have

5. Raxus PrimeRaxusPrime Raxus Prime is the dump of the galaxy, the planet is literally made of the discarded trash and rubbish from most planets. A perfect place for scavengers and for some sweet junk battles. The fragile nature of these pieces of scrap metal welded together by scavengers could make for some amazing destructible environments. Bringing down the spires of junk, destroying bridges into the almost bottomless ravines or just firing that last rocket into a pile of scrap for the effect could be so much fun. Along with the normal conquest and CTF modes the map could also feature a special hunt mode where the players can either play as the Empire, hunting down scavengers and smugglers on the planet or play as those smugglers, attempting to fend off the Empire long enough to escape on Rebel transport ships. Raxus Prime has featured in a number of games and in the extended universe. Being such an unstable and potentially destructive planet it would fit right in with other maps in the Battlefront saga.


A gamer at heart with nothing more than a goal to get on the scoreboard. Just kidding.