Star Wars Battlefront 3: 10 New Heroes DICE MUST Include

3. Cad Bane

Battlefront Ahsoka

Yet another Clone Wars character on this list that fans would love to see get an inclusion is the bounty hunter Cad Bane. First introduced in the very first season of the show, he became a reccurring character and caused all sorts of mayhem for the Jedi.

Inspired by characters found in Westerns, Bane sports a wide-brimmed hat and long duster coat with a pair of blasters at his hip. Along with his synthesised voice, he would be an extremely stylish character to play as in Battlefront III.

Bane uses a number of different weapons throughout the show and even utilises a pair of rocket boots to his advantage when in battle. These abilities would make for an immensely fun character to play as when fighting Jedi or anyone else for that matter.

In the first two Battlefront games, DICE has shown a lot of respect to the more classic bounty hunters with characters such as Boba Fett, Greedo and Bossk appearing, so it would be nice for them to add more of a contemporary gunslinger to freshen things up.


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