Star Wars Battlefront 3: 10 New Heroes DICE MUST Include

2. Chirrut Îmwe

Battlefront Ahsoka

Not quite a Jedi, yet able to channel the Force, Rogue One's Chirrut Îmwe would add something truly unique to the Battlefront franchise. Rather than a lightsaber, his weapon of choice is his staff, which he proves more than capable of using to dispatch Stormtroopers.

Because of his interesting connection with The Force, his in-game abilities could not be something as simple as a Force push or pull for example, the developers would have to really think outside of the box to deliver a unique experience when playing as this character.

Îmwe was certainly one of the highlights from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and it would be nice to see his character show up again in other forms of media, namely Battlefront III.

Along with his staff, Chirrut also carries a light bowcaster and although visually impaired, is able to shoot a TIE fighter right out of the sky while using it. The bowcaster alongside his staff would make for a deadly pair of weapons for his character in the game.


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