Star Wars: Battlefront II - What Does The Ending Really Mean?

4. Project Resurrection

Battlefront 2 First Order

We've already seen the First Order's recruiting techniques explored - briefly - in various media since The Force Awakens released in 2015, but it seems as though Battlefront II is the first to really establish how the group managed to get their trooper program going.

Halfway through the game, right when Iden and Del defect from the Empire, they're sent to extract Gleb, a key architect in the Empire's stormtrooper recruitment programme. So pivotal is her role, that, when the First Order establish themselves in the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Jakku, she takes a key role in their new trooper programme.

We know for a fact that the regime targets children to bolster their ranks, forcing them through a programme of conditioning to turn them into loyal troopers, but now we also know who was behind their officer programme. Gleb presided over the Future Imperial Leaders Military Preparatory School, so again, it would make sense that she'd be directly involved in bolstering the First Order's ranks, militarily speaking of course.

But that isn't all. In that final scene, where Gleb and Hask meet outside the Corvus, they discuss Project Resurrection, the plot that Meeko had just uncovered shortly before his capture. Again, we don't know what the First Order are (or were?) planning at this stage, but if it does involve a resurrection - thematically or literally - then that only reiterates Battlefront's importance to the wider canon.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.