Star Wars: Battlefront II - What Does The Ending Really Mean?

5. Luke Skywalker's Compass

Battlefront 2 Map To Luke

The aforementioned artefact that Luke did find, however, has a salience few other elements of the Battlefront storyline can match.

The device, a compass of sorts, is said to feature heavily in The Last Jedi, and has featured in marketing and merchandise in the run up to its release. We know not yet what it can actually do, but it certainly looks like a map of some sorts, perhaps one that holds particular relevance to the Jedi's history and to the future of the galaxy as a whole too.

Fans have theorised that said artefact was the device that originally led Luke to Ahch-To, but it seems to have a greater purpose than that, especially if it's taking a key role in merchandise for the upcoming film, more-so than any old lightsaber would.

The interesting thing about the artefact (apart from the fact we don't have a clue what it does), is that it's unclear whether or not it's Jedi in nature. Rumours have swelled in recent months that Luke has lost faith in the Jedi Order following Ren's betrayal, and - if he is straddling a path between light and dark - the compass could just hold the key.

Also relevant is the exchange Luke has with Meeko shortly before they part ways. Luke tells Del - then still loyal to the Empire - that he has a choice. Meeko, assuming that Skywalker means the Rebellion, reacts with due incredulity, but it's clear that the Jedi means something else altogether.

"What, the Rebellion?"
"No. A choice to be better."

It seems as though Luke's already contemplating his philosophy even before he reestablishes the Jedi Temple, and this new choice, one to be better, in no way depends on the dark-light binary. Could those Grey Jedi theories be true after all?

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.