Star Wars: Battlefront II - What Does The Ending Really Mean?

2. Meeko And Iden Are Rey's Parents?

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While this would be a particularly massive bombshell to drop mere weeks before The Last Jedi releases next month, there is cause to suspect that Iden and Del - the two leads of Battlefront II - are Rey's parents.

By the time the story flashes forward to the New Trilogy timeline, it's established that Iden and Del married and had a daughter. Kylo is all too aware of this fact, and even seems anxious about it too, with Del having taken the moment to remind the Sith in waiting that "she" is "dangerous". While he could of course be referring to Iden, seeing as how, y'know, players mow through about one thousand stormtroopers over the course of the campaign, it could also be the case that he's referring to his daughter, who would've been left on Jakku at this point in the timeline.

It's a bit of a stretch in some respects, especially since it's so unlikely for Lucasfilm to sign off on such a big reveal to take place in a game, of all places, but it also makes sense. It stands to reason that both Iden and Del would be prime targets for the First Order with Hask involved, and with their presence having spread right across the galaxy by the time Episode VII comes around, leaving Rey behind to ensure she doesn't become a target would, on the surface at least, make a degree of sense.

The links are made evermore apparent by the fact that Meeko and Versio confessed their feelings to each other on Jakku, as well as the fact Del has an English accent (a rarity, among Rebels). It might sully fan theories involving Skywalkers, Kenobis and all the rest, but making Rey the daughter of an ace pilot and an Imperial defector at that would justify - on top of those other, more obvious reasons - why Kylo is so obsessed with her.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.