Star Wars Battlefront Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

1. Unless You're A Hardcore Fan, It's Not Worth Full Price

" sobering truth is that there simply isn€™t enough content or variety here to justify a $60 purchase." (Forbes) You probably saw this coming, in all fairness. Multiplayer-only games like Evolve and Titanfall both tripped and face-planted the floor straight after release, the point standing that if SWB didn't have the Star Wars license to spruce things up and make it more appealing, people wouldn't give the barest gasp of a hoot for an otherwise completely generic third-person shooter. The bottom line seems to be that Battlefront is "a bit like watching all the many TV spots, trailers, adverts, promos, etc for an upcoming blockbuster, then getting into the theatre and realising you've seen it all (, alongside "feel more like an homage to Star Wars than a substantial Star Wars game in itself" (Gamespot). Unless you're a fan of the material enough to continually soak it up multiple times, the rest of us are going to play for a good few hours, then go back to the litany of other phenomenal games available right now. Are you going to be picking up Battlefront, waiting on the inevitable 'Game of the Year Edition' with all the DLC included, or avoiding altogether? Let us know in the comments!
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