Star Wars Battlefront Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

9. Unlockable Cards Don't Change Gameplay Enough

"Cards" are basically uninspired loadout options" writes Destructoid's Chris Carter, further detailing how ill-prepared Battlefront is when it comes to delivering long-term thrills. "It feels like DICE willingly deterring you from experimentation. Once you actually open up your options they aren't exactly mind-blowing either, with generic powers like "focus fire" (more temporary accuracy), or Thermal Detonators, which are just grenades. The only standout is the jump pack." This was the case in the beta too, as the jetpack actively changes your options on the field, opening up higher planes to reach with ease, or closing the gap on an opponent within seconds. It's pretty disappointing to see there aren't any more additional buffs or pieces of equipment that genuinely change the way you play, as without them, you're left to see how much of a hold the basic loop of gameplay can provide. You do also get 'Trait Cards' which "grant you perks like radar masking or explosive damage resistance" (Gamespot), and although various critics note these do aid you in a more immediate way, such passive perks are usually resigned to the background anyway - hardly something you're conscious of when playing.
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