Star Wars Battlefront Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

8. Gameplay Can Boil Down To Holding The Right Trigger And Hoping For The Best

For all of us that hopped into the beta, had our eyes widened considerably for a solid hour or so and then thought "... so now what?" it turns out the answer is still "What do you mean?! Do it again!" "Battlefront's combat can be monotonous. By and large, it consists of medium range gunfights where opponents hold the trigger for two seconds and hope they're the one left standing. Getting shot from a distance, on the other hand, often meant sprinting in another direction, rather than seeking nearby cover and planning a counterattack." notes Gamespot's Mike Mahardy. This was entirely the case in the beta, it's not great to hear there aren't any tactical options available through taking cover behind map geometry or your own abilities/animations, leading to Mahardy concluding the point with "I seldom felt as if I was impacting battles, or as if my skill played any wider purpose." Says it all really, as that's what tons of players felt in the pre-release, too.
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