Star Wars Battlefront Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

6. Modes-Wise, Walker Assault Is The Main Draw

Coming from a followup piece Forbes have run since beginning their focussed review coverage, writer Jason Evangelho echoes a sentiment that's most likely going to encapsulate Battlefront over the coming months; "The realisation that slapped me in the face, though? The outstanding Walker Assault mode is Star Wars Battlefront. The rest is just filler; a brief diversion from the main course." Other critics latched onto this too, mentioning that it's this diametrically opposed setup that re-contextualises your battle and adds a great sense of role-playing. The Rebels are predestined to lose (on Hoth specifically) thanks to their fate being written in the movies, and you'll really have to struggle to get them through it in one piece. Contrastingly, the Empire's auto-walking AT-ATs will storm the Rebel base providing they can keep the pressure on strong enough. It gives playing as the Rebels an inbuilt sense of challenge - one that for every ten people who think it's unfair, will be one who treasures it for taking such a big risk.
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