Star Wars Battlefront Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

7. Customisation Options Are Fairly Non-Existent

"Beyond the token gender and race choices, everything looks the same. Whereas previous titles would allow players to choose between multiple races with drastically different abilities (read: droids), every Battlefront player is humanoid in nature, whether they're a Twi'lek rebel or a Stormtrooper, they all operate the same." (Destructoid) Well, this is a shame - although you can bet there'll be further customisation options trotted out by EA in the upcoming Season Pass, as they've not completely detailed everything that'll be coming across the next year. As it stands right now, you'll be playing as the same band of identikit soldiers across the handful of maps for a good long while, which is totally fine in a "you're just a cog in the great war machine" kinda way, although ultimately it removes a layer of identity that many other shooters use to encourage replayability.
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