Star Wars Battlefront Reviews: 11 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

4. DICE Really Have A Love For The Source Material

Reviewers have been positively gushing over the tiny details SWB gets right, as Forbes have noted in their editorial writeup, "The imposing gait of Darth Vader, that rough engine whine of the Tie Fighter, the snow cave walls of the rebel base on Hoth, the way Han Solo fires his blaster while retreating. It€™s gorgeous, it€™s faithful, and it€™s a downright fantastic Star Wars experience." For me, just that small line about the way Solo animates tells me everything I need to know about how much attention they paid to the little things. It reminds me of Finn's face in the third Episode VII trailer, when he realises he's going to clash sabers with Kylo - just a perfect character moment embodied in one subtle motion. I imagine with the whole world diving into this across the next few months, there'll be a ton of these little details that slowly emerge and get catalogued online - this is only the beginning of DICE's love letter to the fans.
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