Star Wars: Battlefront Rogue One - 10 Ways To Nail The Scarif DLC

3. Add New Ground Vehicles

Star wars battlefront rogue one

Battlefront is still sorely lacking in the vehicle department. We've got the AT-ST, which is great and all, but Chicken Walkers only go so far before they begin to wear out their novelty. We still have speeder bikes that are completely useless (unless you're looking for this year's hottest 'crash into trees repeatedly' simulator), and bar that, nothing.

No tanks. No transports. Nada.

Still, there's no time like the present, especially if we're talking about adding some new armoured weapons to throw into the mix. Rogue One's already shown off at least one tank, and it'd make little sense not to include it in Battlefront's last batch of content.

Those loveable AT-ATs are due an upgrade (downgrade?) too, as the AT-ACTs are the main residents of Scarif. These bigger, clunkier and nastier siblings of the AT-AT are the obvious candidates to replace it in Battlefront's main mode, Walker Assault, but it'd be fairly pointless if they didn't have some different munitions to match the cosmetic upgrade.

I think the main thing to emphasise here is that the first two Battlefronts shipped with a ridiculous amount of vehicles for players to actually use, but this one only did so with but a fraction of that amount.

Let's try and level the playing field a bit with Rogue One, and ensure that Battlefront never catches itself lagging behind its predecessor ever again.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.