Star Wars: Battlefront Rogue One - 10 Ways To Nail The Scarif DLC

4. Include More Legacy Weapons

Star wars battlefront rogue one

By far the most pleasant surprise about the Death Star DLC wasn't the new outfits or the new Star Cards, but the two legacy weapons that were included, the two being the K-16 Bryar Pistol and the TL-50 Heavy Repeater.

Fans of the Jedi Knight and Dark Forces series will instantly recognise these two weapons as being among the repertoire of one Kyle Katarn, the primary protagonist of some of LucasArts' most fondly remembered titles. They actually handle really similarly to their last-gen counterparts as well, which, it must be said, made me absolutely giddy with excitement; most likely because I'm clamouring for some sort of Jedi Knight reboot in the near future.

It'd be so cool of DICE to drop some more of these weapons in the Rogue One DLC. I don't know what they could choose to be honest with you, but I'm sure there are blasters out there just as adored as Katarn's trusty sidearm.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.