Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 10 Games It Totally Ripped Off
1. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
And finally, it'd be remiss not to mention the Star Wars game which Fallen Order itself is most obviously indebted so, and that's The Force Unleashed. If you're going to crib from something, it may as well be the best version of it, right?
Some have uncharitably called Fallen Order a "Force Unleashed clone," though given this game's higher level of difficulty, it doesn't have quite the same breezy wish fulfilment feel to it. You never get powerful enough to fell a Star Destroyer in Fallen Order, for instance.
But given that Star Wars video games in recent years have massively prioritised multiplayer over a compelling single-player campaign, Fallen Order does inherently feel like The Force Unleashed's spiritual successor.
Both games take place during the Purge and place the player in the shoes of a burgeoning Force user, albeit on opposite sides of the conflict (at least a first).
It's clear that Fallen Order took plenty of formal cues from its spiritual predecessor - though the less said about The Force Unleashed II, the better.