Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 5 Gameplay Details The Public Didn't See
1. ...And So Is BD-1!
BD-1, Fallen Order's very own WALL-E-esque droid, will also apparently be customisable come release. The pretender to BB-8's crown has already commenced their charm offensive at E3, and if players are able to make them their own with further alterations, he could end up being yet another beloved Star Wars droid.
Game Informer mention in their report on Fallen Order that BD-1 took over two years to design. Respawn and Lucasfilm are apparently content with allowing players the chance to place their own stamp on Cal's robot companion however, with PC Gamer also mentioning how custom skins for BD can be found littered throughout the game's various levels.
It's a small addition, but it's nice to know that you can tailor your experience in Fallen Order to just the way you like it - even if that means something as simple as having a red droid, or just a plain old blue one instead.