Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - Every Major Character Ranked

3. Second Sister (Trilla Suduri)

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Trilla Second Sister

And so, the Star Wars video games actually beat the movies to it when it came to giving fans a compelling female antagonist - sorry, Phasma.

Simply put, Second Sister is a certified badass, between her enormous power, sleek design and imposing performance from Elizabeth Grullon.

Though she initially boasts a touch of campy theatricality, this eventually gives way to a surprisingly nuanced backstory, where she's revealed to be Trilla Suduri, Cere's former Jedi apprentice.

After Cere accidentally revealed Trilla's location to the Empire, she was captured and fell to the Dark Side, where she became an Inquisitor under Darth Vader.

Sadly despite making a number of early appearances which leads to several sparring sessions with Cal, she's absent for most of the game's back half, until re-appearing for a thrilling finale.

It's refreshing that, while her faith in the Dark Side appears to waver moments before she's cut down by Vader, she isn't predictably redeemed by joining the heroes at the end. More characters like this, please.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.