Street Fighter 5 Season 2 Launch: 7 Ups & 3 Downs
10. New Matchmaking Systems

One of the items on this list that should've been in the game day one, it's refreshing to see that Capcom has finally, FINALLY, dealt with matchmaking in a proper manner.
Previously, a ragequit would simply disconnect both players as if the match had never happened. Heavy penalties on repeat offenders only somewhat mitigated this, which made playing online a chore. Top-ranked players easily keep their massive win-streaks and high ranks by simply quitting out before any losses.
Now quitters will have to think twice about not taking their losses. Any disconnects from an online match now lose their League Points as if they had taken a loss.
Simple as that.
Plus, a new icon on player profile pages even marks quitters for the entire world to see, with matchmaking prioritising quitters vs. quitters. Likewise, players who honourably take a loss will be given good manners icons, and matched with other good mannered players.
In short? This is a fantastic boon to online play. Now that players can filter by connection and have rage-quitters sifted out of the mix, online matchmaking has become a far more stable, enjoyable process overall.