Street Fighter 6 DLC: 10 Characters Capcom MUST Add

1. Sakura Kasugano

street fighter 6 sagat

It couldn't be anyone else at number one.

Sakura is insanely well-liked among the Street Fighter fanbase, a fact Capcom are keenly aware of. When the company ran an official poll to find the most popular Street Fighter character, Sakura ran away with the number one spot.

It's easy to see why Sakura has struck such a cord with the fighting game community. Her fighting style is a variation of Ryu's iconic fireball/spinning kick/uppercut trifecta - arguably the most famous move-list in fighting game history - meaning she feels instantly familiar to anyone with any degree of fighting game knowledge.

More than that though, she's one of the most relatable characters on the roster. Sakura's hero-worship - and subsequent imitation of - Ryu is instantly familiar to anyone who's ever attempted to emulate their idol growing up, and it makes her far more grounded than the majority of Street Fighter's cast of prodigies, legends and genetically-altered superbeings.

After all, none of us will ever truly Be Like Mike (or Lebron James, for those of you who aren't 90's kids) but we can all relate to the kid pretending to be him on court.

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