Street Fighter 6 DLC: 10 Characters Capcom MUST Add

2. Sagat

street fighter 6 sagat

From one extreme to the other.

While Dan is the perfect character for Street Fighting savants, Sagat is his polar opposite - even if you have no idea what you're doing, Sagat's overpowering move-set provides a hell of an advantage.

A towering titan with ridiculous reach, Sagat has long felt like the antithesis of traditional fighting game design. While most characters are designed to be a fair fight for other members of the roster, Sagat is what happens when a developer simply says "f**k it" and throws the rulebook out the window. Spamming projectiles? Sure! Hard-hitting offense? Of course! Kicks that cover a huge chunk of the screen? Go for it!

Capcom actually toned down Sagat in Street Fighter V after assistant producer Ryota Niitsuma admitted Sagat "turned out a bit more powerful than we expected" in Street Fighter IV, but if they bring him back it should be in his full, OP glory.

Sagat at his best is magnificently, ridiculously unbalanced and we wouldn't have it any other way. Let's face it - online play in fighting games can be a brutalizing experience, and newbies need every advantage they can get to keep up with more experienced players. Sagat provides a welcome equalizer for those of us who aren't fighting game experts, and we look forward to spending many a future fight swatting opponents out of the air with Sagat's ludicrously long legs.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.