Street Fighter X Mega Man: 5 Reasons You Should Be Excited

2. The Music

If there's one thing Mega Man games are known for, it's their timeless music tracks. Street Fighter X Mega Man sounds like it will be carrying on that honored tradition, and in a very cool way. Composer A_Rival is going in a radical direction, deciding to blend familiar Mega Man and Street Fighter tunes into single tracks. Some mash-ups that have been teased are Snake Man's theme with Dhalsim's, and Ryu's theme with Flash Man's. I can't wait to hear how these classic pieces of gaming music blend together to create an all-new auditory event. Any new Mega Man music is almost always something to be excited about.

Drew Dietsch is an Entertainment Editor at He's written for, the News-Press, WhatCulture, and releases a weekly podcast about his media consumption called The Drew Reviews Podcast.