Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League - 10 Things It Must Do

3. Have The Replay Value Of The Arkham Games

Harley Quinn Suicide Squad Justice League

Whether Suicide Squad ends up being purely single player, purely co-op, a mix of the two, or some kind of DC-themed battle royale game, it needs to give players reason to keep returning to it.

As already suggested, the hope is that this does not come in the form of a tiered loot system, but instead through actual enjoyable content - equivalents to the side-quests and challenge maps from the Arkham series, for example.

If it contains a co-op experience then a fresh twist on a wave-based mode would be welcome and competitive multiplayer could be interesting, especially if it was comparable to Arkham Origins' under-appreciated online offering.

The presumably large roster in and of itself should lend well to adding replay value, if the characters feel unique that is...


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!