Summer Game Fest: 8 Biggest Announcements You Need To Know

3. Death Stranding: Director’s Cut

Death stranding directors cut
Kojima Productions

It turns out carrying boxes for 40 hours wasn't even Hideo Kojima's full vision for Death Stranding, because here we have the Death Stranding: Director's Cut.

After a sombre talk between Geoff Keighley and Kojima where Kojima talks about how the future shown in Death Stranding came all too quickly, how bad the COVID rates are in Japan and how the virus has completely shifted how Kojima will make games in the future, we got the announcement of a Death Stranding: Director's Cut.

With a cryptic teaser that appeared to tease something Metal Gear related, we get the tease of the Director's Cut coming to PS5, with the full reveal of what it all means apparently coming in a few weeks.

So... are we getting a Death Stranding X Metal Gear crossover? Is Kojima working with Konami again? Are we getting a Kojima compilation? Or is Kojima just messing with us?

Whatever's happening, we're sure to find out in the upcoming weeks.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.