Summer Games Fest 2022: 20 Huge Video Game Announcements You Need To Know

18. Forza Motorsport Releases In Spring 2023

Starfield gameplay

Though it's been known for some time that a new Forza Motorsport is in development, the franchise's quasi-reboot finally got its coming out party during the Microsoft x Bethesda showcase.

The brief gameplay demonstration showed off the racer's mesmerising, best-of-class visuals, including vehicular damage detail, as well as a fully dynamic weather system and massively beefed-up physics simulation.

A clear attempt has been made to lean more into the sim aspects of racing, as the oft-requested tyre and fuel management mechanics will be included in the new game.

Given that Gran Turismo 7 is in pretty hot water right now, Forza Motorsport just might be able to snatch its racing crown when it drops for PC and Xbox consoles next spring, while available day-one on Xbox Game Pass to boot.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.