Super Mario Odyssey Reviews: 10 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

2. The Difficulty Is Well-Balanced

Mario Odyssey Fossil Falls
"In short bursts, Odyssey can be challenging throughout, but it's generally forgiving in all cases. In the final stages, you are up against gauntlets that demand consistent precision; die, and you go back to the beginning. Though these chapters aren't as significant as the rest of the game, it's a welcome way to cap off Mario's quest--though there's a fair chance you still have hundreds moons left to find elsewhere." - Gamespot
"The quality of design is exemplary throughout and we genuinely don’t think there’s a dud in the whole game, even if some are rather easy. Which is not to say that the game can’t be difficult when it wants to, as some of the later challenges are extremely punishing – especially given the general lack of checkpointing. But one of the great pleasures of the game is coming across a situation that seems far beyond your skills level, only to see a few practice goes begin to turn the impossible into the clearly achievable." - Metro

It's rare that a Mario game is especially difficult, and Odyssey doesn't do much to change that. The majority of the boss fights can be figured out with one or two deaths max, and aside from some scattered checkpointing, the punishments for death are hilariously minimal.

Some might wish it was a little tougher in places, but for those who are craving a challenge, there is some more punishing content later on in the game and especially in the post-game.

You won't be launching a Joy-Con out your window any time soon, but if you do desire some added difficulty, it is waiting for you.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.