Super Mario Odyssey Reviews: 10 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

7. The 8-Bit Levels Are A Highlight

Super Mario Odyssey 8 Bit
"Odyssey’s inspired integration of 2D gameplay – complete with Super Mario Bros.-era 8-bit art – deserves special mention...Most of these sequences aren’t too long – I wished they were longer, in fact – but each blends pure, weapons-grade retro gameplay with numerous other callbacks while still mixing things up in ways they never appeared in those original games, such as flipping gravity or wrapping the 2D scene around the corner of a 3D object. They bend the rules so far they go beyond even the most ambitious creations we saw in Super Mario Maker." - IGN
"One of the most interesting facets of Odyssey is its seamless incorporation of 8-bit Super Mario Bros. gameplay...Despite the stark difference in presentation, retro challenges fit smartly not only into the spaces you're exploring, but within the general flow of gameplay." - Gamespot

Whether you're a hardcore, old-school Mario fan, a casual fan or a new initiate, Odyssey's 8-bit levels are sure to be plenty delightful.

For starters, the nostalgic appeal of these levels speaks for themselves, fondly recalling the series' origins while carefully folding them into a more contemporary style with clever new platforming mechanics and 3D flourishes.

Though some might be left wanting for more of these levels throughout the game, what's there is absolutely terrific.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.